- 含有全球專利乳酸菌成分 - 活性洛德因乳酸菌 (Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938)
- 可改善偶發性腹瀉或便秘
- 可抑壓害菌生長,平衡腸道健康
- 檸檬味咀嚼片,不含糖份,不含藥性,無須冷藏
- 適合小童、長者、成人及孕婦使用
How to purchase this item?
If you want to purchase this item, please contact our pharmacists. Our pharmacists will first assess your condition to make sure this item suits your case. After that, tailor-made counselling service will be provided, which allows you to know more about your health condition.
Drug prices are for reference only. They are subject to change without further notice. Some of the listed drugs may have special discounts or special selling conditions. Please contact our pharmacies to get the latest price.
In case of dispute, the decision of Lok Sin Tong Community Pharmacy Services shall be final.