- 含有改善異位性皮膚炎(濕疹)黃金組合成份
- 適合乾燥、痕癢、敏感性及濕疹肌膚人士
- 低敏、無藥性,不含香料、防腐劑及類固醇
- Ceramide [神經醯胺] - 提升肌膚屏障及防護力
- Filaggrin [聚絲蛋白] - 分解後 補充肌膚所缺失了的天然保濕因子
- Colloidal Oatmeal [膠體燕麥] - 高效紓炎及止痕
- AD-Resyl [麥冬根植萃] - 改善因異位性皮膚炎下所產生的皮膚微生態,減低肌膚反覆乾痕及發炎週期
How to purchase this item?
If you want to purchase this item, please contact our pharmacists. Our pharmacists will first assess your condition to make sure this item suits your case. After that, tailor-made counselling service will be provided, which allows you to know more about your health condition.
Drug prices are for reference only. They are subject to change without further notice. Some of the listed drugs may have special discounts or special selling conditions. Please contact our pharmacies to get the latest price.
In case of dispute, the decision of Lok Sin Tong Community Pharmacy Services shall be final.